Welcome to C-MASTERS International Training Centre


We offer RYA courses in Belgium & the Netherlands








RYA practical Sail Cruising courses


Eager to progress your practical sailing and navigation skills ? We offer the full range of RYA practical sail cruising courses to gain your certificate as Competent Crew, Day Skipper, Coastal Skipper or Yachtmaster.

RYA Motor Cruising courses



We provide ALL RYA Motor Cruising practical courses, including the RYA Yachtmaster Power examinations.

RYA Powerboat courses



We provide ALL RYA Powerboat training courses, including Advanced, Intermediate and PB level 2. 


Whatever your Yacht Training needs are ... we will help you to MASTER them !


MASTERclasses - Expert training


Practical C-MASTERS courses including advanced navigation and advanced power handling, practical training on operating a radar system, and meteorology. 


RYA shorebased courses


RYA classroom courses for Day Skipper and Yachtmaster shorebased certificates, and specialised courses for RYA Diesel Engine and RYA Radar training.

RYA Personal Watercraft training



The one day RYA proficiency course prepares you for riding safely and responsibly and is designed for first time and experienced riders alike.   




Training courses for professional and leisure skippers and crew


C-MASTERS International Training Centre is recognised by the Royal Yachting Association for delivering the complete program of their outstanding RYA sailing, motor cruising, powerboat, personal watercraft and navigation courses. Over the years, we have had the pleasure to welcome many satisfied customers from countries all over the world. We hope to be able to meet you too !


Our mission is to offer a solid learning experience to our clients in a fun, and above all, safe way.


We supplement the RYA courses with our own masterclasses and experience builders. Using this combination of complementary theoretical and practical training modules, we are able to coach professional and leisure skippers and crew members all the way from their first experience on a yacht to become a confident skilled master of yachts. 


Practical and theory courses in Zeeland, Nieuwpoort and near Brussels


We are lucky to have the Oosterschelde estuary and the nearby Belgian coast as our sailing area. It is a beautiful and exciting tidal sailing area.

Our base in Nieuwpoort has direct access to open sea for offshore sailing to England, France or to acquire your RYA certificates while exploring the Belgian coast.

Our base at the more sheltered Oosterschelde estuary in Zeeland is positioned in the heart of a nature reserve with ample sealife, and is without doubt one of the best training areas for sailing, motor cruising and powerboat training in Europe.

Our theory classroom courses are available in Zeeland and at our training location near Brussels. 



........... NOT TO BE MISSED .........


RYA Yachtmaster Exams



Available on 20, 21 and 22 October, and 23,24,25 and 26 November

We provide the Yachtmaster prep-course for small groups to make sure that you get lots of coaching from our chief instructors and obtain the best learning results.

The exams are organised in Nieuwpoort and in Zeeland.


Want to know if yachting is your thing?


A Start Yachting introduction course is the perfect activity for a special occasion or maybe just a fun weekend out on the water. Come on board of one of our yachts and get an introduction to boat handling under sail or power. You will be involved in steering, trimming, navigation and rope work.  We can have lunch on the water or in one of the nice harbours in our area.

At the end of this Start Yachting course, you'll sure be caught by the yachting bug, and we can discuss with you how you can further develop your skills and turn this new experience into an exciting hobby.

Join us on one of our C-MASTERS yachts for a weekend on the beautiful waters of Zeeland or along the Belgian coast. Just send us an enquiry, and we'll make your introduction course a great start of your yachting passion.




Come on board and explore our beautiful sailing area on one of our C-MASTERS yachts




Send us an email


 call us on +31851306426


 C-MASTERS Training Centre Zeeland

               Veerdam 3

               4484 NV   Kortgene

               The Netherlands



 C-MASTERS Training Centre Zeeland

               Veerhaven 3

               4485 PL   Kats

               The Netherlands



 C-MASTERS Training Centre Belgian Coast


               6820   Nieuwpoort




 C-MASTERS Training Centre Brussels Region


               3090   Overijse





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  C-MASTERS International

               Chemin du cheval de bois

               1380   Lasne





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