RYA Powerboat Intermediate


This 2 day RYA Powerboat practical course is for aspiring skippers who have some experience driving RIBs, and who are proficient on basic navigation and boat handling. This course will teach you new skills, practical navigation and taking control over the boat and your crew during daytime passages.





Course content

The course covers the practical use of pilotage and passage planning by day on coastal waters using both traditional and electronic navigational techniques. It teaches you the techniques required to plan and complete a short coastal passage by day.

This course builds on the foundation of the Level 2 course and is suited to those who like to learn driving larger and more powerful powerboats. During the course you will cover cruising at planing speed and more advanced boat handling. It is recommended for anyone considering moving on to the Advanced course.

This course is available as 2 consecutive days.

Amongst other you will learn

  • Planning a day-time cruise: pilotage, navigation, safety, fuel and engine checks.
  • Boat handling and passage making:
  • Handling the effects of waves and rougher conditions.
  • Mooring in different situations
  • Use of GPS in high speed navigation
  • Pilotage by day.


How to prepare yourself for this course

In order to get the most out of your course, we offer you the possibility to do our online pre-course knowledge quiz. The quiz helps you to test your knowledge and to assess whether you need more preparation in some areas. 


Ability after the course

At the end of the course you will have learned and practiced the skills needed to safely plan and execute longer coastal passages.in familiar tidal waters during day-time under normal conditions.


What's included

  • Tuition by one of our RYA instructors
  • C-MASTERS Pre-course knowledge quiz
  • Coffee / thee ashore 
  • All mooring and fuel fees
  • Free parking at our premises 
  • RYA Powerboat Level 2 personalised Certificate of Competence






Details of this course

Duration:     This non-residential course is available as 2 consecutive days


Location from where this course will be delivered:

  • Zeeland (the Netherlands)


Previous experience:  Obtained the Powerboat level 2 certificate of confidence


Assumed knowledge: Your knowledge should be at the level of the RYA Day Skipper theory course or equivalent course.


Language: This course is provided in English.


Number of students:   3


Cost: 875 euro 





Supporting courses

We recommend attending the RYA Day Skipper shorebased theory course before following the Powerboat Intermediate practical course.


 Next steps

After successfully completing this course, we recommend to first extend your knowledge with our RYA shorebased navigation courses, in particular the RYA Coastal/Yachtmaster Skipper theory course, ideally combined with courses for obtaining your SRC, Sea Survival or First Aid certificate.

After building up experience during daytime passage, it will be time to learn making longer passages both during day-time and night-time, by joining our RYA Powerboat Advanced course.



Register for joining this course


Course dates at our training centre in Zeeland:

  • 8 and 9 March - WAITING LIST
  • 2 and 3 May
  • 13 and 14 June


Please contact us for alternative dates and for booking a private 1:1 training




What a great powerboat !


The instructor is very experienced and the powerboat is just great. This was worth every minute and every euro spent.

I strongly recommend this training centre to anyone considering doing a powerboat course.


-- Paul --




Overview of all our RYA Powerboat practical training offerings



RYA Powerboat Level 2 training


Provides the skills and knowledge needed for driving a powerboat including driving at planing speed, close quarters handling, and collision regulations.

RYA Powerboat Intermediate training


The Powerboat Intermediate course develops your advanced boat handling, cruising at planing speed and covers the practical use of traditional and electronic pilotage and passage planning during the day.



RYA Powerboat Advanced training / exam


Course focussed on challenging navigation and boat handling on coastal waters during day and night, including lee shore handling, adverse conditions and SAR patterns.

RYA Tender Operator


Manoeuvring more smoothly and learning important pilotage skills, ideal when operating a powerboat with responsibility for passengers.

RYA Personal Watercraft proficiency


The one day RYA proficiency course prepares you for riding safely and responsibly and is designed for first time and experienced riders alike.



RYA Shorebased courses


Extensive range of complementary RYA courses, such as the SRC VHF exam, Sea Survival, Radar, navigation skills and First Aid certification.







Send us an email


 C-MASTERS Training Centre Zeeland

               Veerdam 3

               4484 NV   Kortgene

               The Netherlands



 C-MASTERS Training Centre Belgian Coast


               6820   Nieuwpoort




 C-MASTERS Training Centre Brussels Region


               3090   Overijse





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