RYA Day Skipper 


The 5 day RYA Day Skipper practical sailing course is for aspiring skippers who have some yachting experience, and who are proficient on basic navigation and sailing. This course will teach you new sailing skills, practical navigation and taking control over the yacht and your crew during daytime passages.





Course content

Learn to skipper a short passage with the instructor on hand to give advice and teach you new techniques. Experience being in charge, managing your crew and your yacht, while sailing and executing teamwork manoeuvres during day-time.

This course is available as 5 consecutive days and as course divided over 2 weekends of 2 and 3 days.

Amongst other you will learn

  • Preparing a yacht for sea, including checks
  • Navigation, position fixing, use of plotter and chart work
  • Deck work, such as anchoring
  • Pilotage for entering or leaving harbours
  • Meteorology and practical weather forecasting
  • Rules of the road
  • Maintenance and repair work
  • Diesel engine, including engine checks and fault finding
  • Victualling
  • Emergency procedures, including the MOB recovery drill
  • Yacht handling under power and under sail
  • Passage planning and making
  • Night cruising

Please note that under certain conditions your Day Skipper certificate can be used to obtain a ICC certificate from the RYA. We recommend carefully reading these conditions before booking the Day Skipper practical course if you eventually require a ICC certificate.


How to prepare yourself for this course

In order to get the most out of your course, we offer you the possibility to do our online pre-course knowledge quiz. The quiz helps you to test your knowledge and to assess whether you need more preparation in some areas. 


Ability after the course

At the end of the course you should achieve a level of seamanship and boat handling up to the standard required to skipper a small cruising yacht safely by day in familiar tidal and non-tidal waters under normal conditions.


What's included

  • Tuition by one of our RYA instructors
  • Accommodation on board in your own cabin (no sharing)
  • C-MASTERS Pre-course knowledge quiz
  • All meals and drink on board 
  • All mooring and fuel fees
  • Free parking at our premises 
  • RYA Day Skipper personalised Certificate of Competence







Details of this course

Duration:     The course is available as 5 consecutive days, or during 2 weekends of 2 and 3 days. 


Location from where this course will be delivered:

  • Kortgene (Zeeland, the Netherlands)
  • Nieuwpoort (Belgium) 


Previous experience:   You should already know how to sail and have logged;

  • 5 days aboard a yacht
  • 100 nautical miles
  • 4 night hours


Assumed knowledge: Your knowledge of IRPCS, navigation and meteorology must be at the standard of the RYA Day Skipper shorebased theory course or equivalent course.


Language: This course is provided in English.


Number of students:   3


Cost: 1555 euro for course over 5 consecutive days 


Please contact us for the course fee for a course divided over 2 sessions 





Next steps

After successfully completing this course, we recommend extending your knowledge with some of our RYA specialist shorebased courses, in particular the RYA Radar, RYA Diesel Engine and the Short Range Certificate VHF course, ideally combined with practical training as part of our C-MASTERCLASSES.

The Day Skipper Certificate of Competence can be commercially endorsed for anyone with ambition to find work as a professional crew member.

After building up experience during daytime passage, it will be time to learn making longer passages both during day-time and night-time, by joining our RYA Coastal Skipper course.


Supporting courses

We recommend attending the RYA Day Skipper shorebased theory course before following the Day Skipper practical course.



Details of this course

Duration:     The course is available as 5 consecutive days, or during 2 weekends of 2 and 3 days. 


Location from where this course will be delivered:

  • Kortgene (Zeeland, the Netherlands)
  • Nieuwpoort (Belgium) 


Previous experience:   You should already know how to sail and have logged;

  • 5 days aboard a yacht
  • 100 nautical miles
  • 4 night hours


Assumed knowledge: Your knowledge of IRPCS, navigation and meteorology must be at the standard of the RYA Day Skipper shorebased theory course or equivalent course.


Language: This course is provided in English.


Number of students:   3


Cost: 1555 euro for course over 5 consecutive days 


Please contact us for the course fee for a course divided over 2 sessions 



Register for joining this course


Course dates at our training centre in Zeeland:

  • Course divided over 2 sessions on 14 to 16 March and on 29 and 30 March - ONE LAST PLACE AVAILABLE
  • Course of 5 consecutive days on 24 to 28 March
  • Course of 5 consecutive days on 13 to 17 April - FULLY BOOKED
  • Course divided over 2 sessions on 18 to 20 April and 26 to 27 April - FULLY BOOKED
  • Course divided over 2 sessions on 19 and 20 April and on 2 to 4 May - FULLY BOOKED
  • Course of 5 consecutive days on 21 to 25 April
  • Course of 5 consecutive days on 12 to 16 May - FULLY BOOKED
  • Course divided over 2 sessions on 17 to 18 May and 30 May to 1 June - ONE LAST PLACE AVAILABLE
  • Course divided over 2 sessions on 13 to 15 June and 28 to 29 June - FULLY BOOKED
  • Course divided over 2 sessions on 13-15 June and 21-22 June
  • Course of 5 consecutive days on 23 to 27 June
  • Course of 5 consecutive days on 30 June to 4 July
  • Course of 5 consecutive days on 7 to 11 July
  • Course divided over 2 sessions on 12 to 13 July and 1 to 3 August
  • Course during 5 consecutive days on 14 to 18 July
  • Course divided over 2 sessions on 19 to 20 July and 8 to 10 August
  • Course on 5 consecutive days on 21 to 25 July
  • Course on 5 consecutive days on 18 to 22 August
  • Course divided over 2 sessions on 5 to 7 September and 13 to 14 September


      Course dates at our training centre in Nieuwpoort:

      • Course divided over 2 sessions on 18 to 20 April and 10 to 11 May - ONE LAST PLACE AVAILABLE





      Only 3 students on board and no sharing of cabins is just excellent


      I chose C-MASTERS for my Day Skipper practicla course due to their small groups of participants. The no-sharing of cabins policy is unique. This way, I can enjoy my privacy in my cabin at night, and learn more efficiently as the instructor can dedicate the available time to the smaller group. The principal and his team are very friendly and accommodating. They are always willing to help, so do not hesitate to contact them if there is anything you need for your training. I'm very pleased with my experience at C-MASTERS and highly recommend it to anyone looking to become a Day Skipper.


      - - Sandra - -


      The depth of explanations and amount of training exceeded everything I have experienced at other schools


      I had a great week with C-MASTERS on my Day Skipper course. The instructor truly has an enormous amount of experience !  I have experienced a few other schools, but this was outstanding. The instructor has a great concept of teaching and I learned a lot during the past five days.


      - - Johan - -



      My overall satisfaction is 10/10


      The instructor is superb. The boat is great. This course increased my interest in navigation and in sailing. Overall, I trully recommend this training centre.

      I have completed RYA Dayskipper course here. I am really satisfied and plan to continue my sailing path with this school.


      -- Sergey --


      Overview of all our RYA Sail Cruising offerings



      RYA Start Yachting practical course


      Introductory course for beginning crew members, acquiring experience on board a sailing yacht



      RYA Competent Crew - Sail


      Learn to steer, sail and manoeuvre a sailing yacht. This course lays the foundation for becoming a knowledgeable and active crew member

      RYA Day Skipper - Sail


      Intermediate practical sailing course for competent crew members and beginning skippers, with focus on navigation and boat handling

      RYA Coastal Skipper - Sail


      Advanced skipper course for making long (day and night) coastal / offshore passages with emphasis on passage planning and navigation skills.

      Yachtmaster Coastal prep-course/exam

      day skipper

      Five days of coaching by our chief instructor to prepare yourself for the RYA Yachtmaster Coastal examination


      Yachtmaster Offshore Prep-course/exam


      Get yourself properly prepared for the RYA Yachtmaster Offshore examination with some solid coaching and honing of your skills






      Contact C-MASTERS

      Send us an email


       C-MASTERS Training Centre Zeeland

                     Veerdam 3

                     4484 NV   Kortgene

                     The Netherlands



       C-MASTERS Training Centre Belgian Coast


                     6820   Nieuwpoort




       C-MASTERS Training Centre Brussels Region


                     3090   Overijse





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                     1380   Lasne





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