C-MASTERS cares about your health and wellbeing


Before your course can start, we request you to take a few minutes and provide relevant details on your medical condition for participating at the course. Simply fill in this form and send it by clicking on the submit button at the end of the form.

We will treat your data confidentially, see also our privacy policy.

Any reported illness or medical conditions need not necessarily prevent you from taking a full part in the course, but the Principal or instructor must be aware of any potential problem.

If you are in any doubt about your fitness or physical ability to take part in a course, then make sure to contact your Medical doctor for advice.

Thank you for your kind co-operation.



Please provide your contacts in case of medical emergencies:



Are you also interested in our other offerings ?



RYA Shorebased courses

RYA Practical Sailing courses

Experience Building




Send us an email


 call us on +31851306426


 C-MASTERS Training Centre Zeeland

               Veerdam 3

               4484 NV   Kortgene

               The Netherlands



 C-MASTERS Training Centre Zeeland

               Veerhaven 3

               4485 PL   Kats

               The Netherlands



 C-MASTERS Training Centre Belgian Coast


               6820   Nieuwpoort




 C-MASTERS Training Centre Brussels Region


               3090   Overijse





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  C-MASTERS International

               Chemin du cheval de bois

               1380   Lasne





© Copyright C-MASTERS by Celstar BV 2024