Yacht delivery services are performed by highly qualified skippers and crew members. Occasionally, selected outstanding students can join our yacht deliveries as trainees.
After learning the theoretical and practical skills, it is important for our students to start putting some serious miles under their belt. For those sailors that need to build up a significant number of miles at sea in preparation of a Coastal Skipper or Yachtmaster qualification, we have defined this trainee offering.
Mile builders and Yacht deliveries are an excellent way to obtain your qualifications for Yachtmaster and Coastal Skipper. Our trainee program is geared towards building up the maximum number of miles and acquiring lots of valuable experience in the shortest possible time.
The miles will be made both during daytime and night-time. This will include 60 miles (and more miles) passages, overnight passages, and skippered legs. Exactly what you need to build up your nautical CV in preparation of your next course or your Yachtmaster exam.
You will be working in watches, under the supervision of our RYA qualified skipper. You will be practicing watch keeping, navigation, boat handling and skippering skills.
You will have the opportunity to prepare and execute the passage plan for parts of the voyage in turns with your fellow trainees. This will give you the qualifying experience as skipper on long passages during day and night.
However please note: As the objective is to deliver the yacht in the shortest possible time to its destination, there is limited time to practice specific manoeuvres or visit places ashore. Please do also realise that you need to be flexible in your planning, as the ETD and ETA may be affected by various elements such as the weather forecast.
What do you get at the end:
Next to an unforgettable experience, your miles will be signed off in your personal RYA logbook at the end of the voyage.
What's included:
Supporting courses:
We recommend our C-MASTERS Passage Planning course and our other Masterclasses. In addition, the RYA Radar course is very useful.
Supporting books:
C-MASTERS Training Centre Zeeland
Veerdam 3
4484 NV Kortgene
The Netherlands
C-MASTERS Training Centre Belgian Coast
6820 Nieuwpoort
C-MASTERS Training Centre Brussels Region
3090 Overijse
C-MASTERS International
Chemin du cheval de bois
1380 Lasne
© Copyright C-MASTERS by Celstar BV 2025